Ok, time for a fresh blog on an olde subject. THE LABYRINTH.
I took Suzy for a drive today because I wanted to show a friend of mine the Lab. She was going to help at the Splashy Fenn festival just outside Underberg. I did not intend doing too much but did take 12 slabs I had bought to experiment with.
We both agreed that was NOT the way to do the paths. They looked totally out of place no matter how I tried they just looked terrible.
Janet had to go early so I decided to hang around for a while and attack the compost pile which needed levelling.
The hole I am filling with the soil |
From There to There |
Hole almost filled but I need a wheelbarrow |
A rather pleasant surprise we found on arrival was that the grass I had planted last had started to germinate. Not wonderfully but great to see some green. I am still going to put another type of path but make it so it can be removed if I decide to plant grass in the future.
The Grass is germinating |
I did a little work there and left for home.
The photos above I took on 8/4/12 which I had forgotten about. I went expressly to work on the pile and to trim around trees in preparation for grass cutting before winter.
To the 11th.
I had to go to PMBurg so left really early and this time took a wheelbarrow. I did not take any photos but have now finished over half of the pile. The levelling will take a while I think.
On the way back I decided to stop at TWK and see whether they had the poles I was looking for. LUCKY, they have quite a few so I bought what I could afford and put them in the holes I had dug. There were 2 poles without holes so I have my work cut out there next time. I think I need about 12 more to finish the circle. Maybe the grapes will have support in the spring.
I was actually quite pleased at the progress with the pile.
As I write this I have gone thru the costing process of timber paths compared to brick and have decided to go with the timber. I think it will fit in rather well and can be easily moved if need be.
Had an urgent trip to PMBurg today so I did my usual. However I tore all the ligaments on the back of my thigh when picking up Sjimbra on Friday so am in a little discomfort still. This meant that I could not move any soil but there is nothing wrong with my shoulders so I did some hole digging. This went Ok and I finished digging as far as the "mound." I also was able to get enough poles on my return to put into the holes with 2 left over. There is one quadrant left to do now. Next time I must "plant" them and think about digging pathways again. I would love to have that chore completed .......................It is hard work.
I took the camera and tried it on the tripod to see whether we had any friends around because there were a lot at home this morning. They did show themselves in one pic and I shapeshifted a little as well. Can see through my head.
A "stitched" pic. The truck is in the top plot. The photo was taken from the bottom of the bottom plot. |
I am also thinking of selling chickens there. The people next door have too many chickens which they chase onto my plot. I have not said anything to them but they are slowly undoing all the work I have been trying to accomplish. It is becoming beyond a joke now and I think must set up a trap to catch them and bring them home.
We shall see how I feel in the next couple of days. I do have an idea.................
Had a trip to PMBurg so did my usual trick. Arrived Underberg at 5.30 and used my headlamp to see what I was doing. These LEDs are really bright.
I had an idea I wanted to try, protecting areas from chicken scratchings, which I put around plants and trees that are still small enough to have the "collar" fitted.
New Almond with Chicken Protection |
Reached the Tree Trunk |
The first planted Peaches have really grown well. Good on ya Oom Sarel |
This is something I have been meaning to put in for a while.
If anybody would like to join me in this venture then please contact me at:
kcsagencies@gmail.com and I will give them more information on my intentions with the project.
Today I decided to take the Family to Underberg because I needed to make a start getting the top plot tidy before winter and also wanted to "plant" the remaining poles. This I did but one pole has not set well so I need to remove and replace it. It is too loose.
I then got into brushcutting the top plot but had not enough energy or time or petrol to finish but almost there. It does look MUCH better.
What I did notice is that the Dandelions are getting to be a kind of a "cover." I want to watch this and see whether they could actually become a lawn. They are easy to cut and make a nice mulch. Sooo lets see what they do in the winter and there after.
The Top Plot looking much neater |
I was also told by a Pagan to plant Rosemary to protect the place. Now, get this. Without any prior knowledge I actually had planted a plant at each corner of the top plot in 2011. I wonder "who" gave me the intuition to do that. Another sign that this is meant to happen.
The Rosemarys I planted in 2011. At each corner of the plot. |
Had a PMB trip today so did my usual. Got to Underberg at around 5 and replanted the loose pole. It was easier than I expected so had some spare time before it was light enough to see properly. (I use an LED headlamp to show me where I am and what I am doing)
So, I decided to do a little pathway digging. I dug 5m and reached the end of what I had pegged. This is a big bonus because it was an afterthought that I actually took my digging tools at all. I did feel some pain in my leg because turning the sods is hard work which involves a couple of the torn muscles. Still, all is well.
The main thing I wanted to do is complete the brushcutting of the top plot. This I also nearly managed but the nylon cutters both broke when I had very little to do so I decided to leave it until next time when I hope to do a little tidying around the Lab.
No photos today which I am a little sorry about because there were more Orbs here at home in my "space" than I have ever seen before so I wonder how many there were in Underberg.
I just hope the digging goes as well as this every time because I should then finish before the end of winter.
Oh what a lovely day. I had decided to go to Underberg today after milking the ladies and nearly changed my mind due to a little rain here and then hit a new pothole near Swartberg.
However after that everything went great.
My plans were:
1 To see how bricks look as edging.
2 To drill holes in poles preparation for supporting grapes
3 To mark out and dig as much pathway as I could
4 To brush cut and tidy what I could of the bottom plot esp where I will be digging next.
The bricks look rather good |
I look forward to this challenge. They really fit in nicely. |
I got to the plot at around 6 and tackled the bricks first. Yup, it will work. However I had forgotten how heavy they are and could only carry 4 at a time. Good excercise. They blend in very well and now I can see how wide the pathways and beds really are. I can also fix any errors I possibly made when marking. It was easier than I thought to "plant" them .(I have apecial little hoe) I cannot wait to have all the pathways marked like this. They will look very nice. Also the nice thing about these bricks are that they are clay so if they disintegrate then it is "ashes to ashes dust to dust,"
I then drilled 8 holes in poles. I drilled until the batteries on my drill both went flat. The Saligna is very hard. Lovely.
Then to mark out the next dig and see how much I could do. Well I surprised myself. I not only marked out and dug the marked area (9 m) but also marked out the next dig. This bit is now right on the end of that quadrant where it turns back on itself. My leg complained the whole time but they do say, "No Pain No Gain."
I then did some brush cutting of the Lab area and after that decided I had done enough for the day. I still had the ladies to milk in the afternoon. I also need to soak my leg in a nice hot bath.
Was back on the road by just before 12. Lovely trip back with a little rain closer to home.
Maritzburg today so I milked the cows early and got there at around 6o clock. Rather cool this morning. Cold enough that my gloves stuck to the metal parts of the spade and fork.
My intention was to take what bricks I had left and to accurately place those I had put before. I took my marker twine and took it both sides of the centre so that the path was the same width everywhere. I put the bricks in and fixed the entrance to the centre. I must admit that the more bricks I put in the better it looks. Seems to add another dimension to the project.
I then had time to do some digging. Dug 3m before I had to hit the road and on the way back dug another 6m. I finished the pegged area and it is only about 1/2m before I turn around and go back again. it was really warm in the afternoon and I ended up working in just a T shirt.
I had to get on the road quite early because I still had to milk the cows on my return and remove one calf from a cow who had twins.
No photos today. I want to leave it until there is really something to show.
Needed to go to PMBurg today so left at around 4am. I thought it would be cold but even though there was a light frost it was ideal for working.
As I left it this morning |
I took most of the bricks (about 180) and almost finished "planting" them before getting on the road again. The inner circle is now bricked in and I am working on the second.
There were a lot of Orbs there this morning and one pic had a strange shadow in it.
I find this very interesting. The photo is out of focus but not the Orbs |
On my return I "planted" the bricks that were left and also had time to peg out the next pathway dig.
So all in all a very rewarding day.
Had an opportunity to go to Underberg today so got on the road by 4am. It was rather nice in Underberg. Not too cold. Nice working weather.
I "planted" the bricks I took and on returning dug and completed the marked area. This was about 9m. I have now turned the corner into the next path and am on my way back again.
I will be back there again tomorrow, specifically to do some pruning and digging.
No pics for a while because they do not show the progress very well.
Strange albeit a really nice day.
Firstly Suzi would not start, a little flat battery so I had to wait until it had charged enough to start. Then almost at Franklin (30km) and I remembered that in my haste had left the house unlocked, kitchen door wide open with the keys in it.
After some deliberation I decided to not take a chance, turned around and fetched them. It actually turned out great because I arrived at a better time in Underberg.
It was colder this morning than yesterday and gloves stuck to metal objects. Then I wanted to see which of our "friends" was about but the batteries in the camera were flat. So, no pics until next time.
I did "plant" the bricks I had taken, dug 10m (my leg was a little painful) and have pegged to the end of the present pathway and turned the corner to return again.
I also gave Oakie, two Almonds, an Apple and a Pecan,"haircuts." I just hope it is not too early in the season. I will leave the other trees for my Expert.
I left again at 11.30. Turned out to be a very nice morning. In the end I was working in just a T shirt. Worked up a little "glow."
I wish I could finish the pathways with the bricks. They look rather nice.
I have an idea I want to try where I grow the grass here and do a kind of instant lawn. More on that as I experiment.
Had a meeting in Maritzburg today so as usual arrived at the plot at about 5am. It was a little cooler than last time and a little overcast but again nice working weather.
There were a lot of orbs this morning and one in particular showed itself in two pics. Seems to be a resident at the Lab because it was just cruising slowly.
Many Orbs this morning. Bright lights are from a house across the road |
Orb cruising over the Lab. Note planted bricks. |
Same Orb now with friends. I have removed the house lights. |
Orb over the top plot |
I planted the bricks I had left (approx 100) and due to the fact that my meeting was early I had to leave a little earlier than usual. I also had a hard time going around the corner at the end of the row due to the fact that there was no moon and I was working to my headlamp. So seeing the markings on the tape was not always too easy. I was also working in an area where there was Cancerbush growing in which the tape kept on getting caught which was rather annoying at times.
However I did eventually win. Now I cant wait to have the pathways dug completely and the bricks all planted. It is going to look OK. AAAND when the pathways are all planted with grass. Well what a tourist attraction. TeeHee.
I dug 2m on my return (had dug 4m before getting on the road earlier on) so 6m for the day. I could not stay too long because I had to get milk to feed the Twins.
I have a lovely lady partner in my life now and she was very keen to see the Lab so we went for a drive a little later than I usually go but even so got quite a bit of work done. There was a little snow on the Berg but it was not really cold. Nice working weather.
After she had familiarised herself with the project we got into some digging. She did the pegging (the part that really slows me down when on my own) while I did the digging. We also did a little pruning but we had to leave early due to my having to milk the ladies in the dairy.
The Sutherlandia as well as some of the "Planted" bricks |
We did get 12m dug and now the second row is on its way back. It is pegged as far as the centre cross so I can concentrate on digging the next time I am there on my own.
Had a meeting in PMBurg today so got to the Lab at around 4am. It was very chilly this morning and there was still a little snow on the Berg.
I had brought approx 200 bricks and warmed up off loading them. I then planted as many as I could before getting on the road again. It ended up that the meeting was then cancelled so on the way back I had a chance to complete planting the bricks I had left earlier. I have caught up on the quadrant I was working on (as far as I have dug anyway) and am now working more centrally.No chance to do any digging unfortunately but that will come.
It was a lovely day after the sun had warmed things up and once again a lovely trip.
I decided to go to Underberg today to try and catch up with my digging and to take "Suzi" for a drive. My partner also had a few things she needed planting which she had rescued from her previous abode.
The trip did not start off too well. I left the basket with all my energy mixes in as well as the key for the gate. We were too far out of town to turn back so I resigned myself to going without liquid for the day and also had to break the lock on the gate.
After that things went rather well.
It was not too cold so I only missed my mittens when working with the metal implements.
I had loaded as many bricks as I could and after planting them, got into digging some holes.
Beautiful "Visitors." |
More beautiful "Visitors." |
However, the highlight was in the amount of orbs there were over the "Lab." My camera was safely at home in the basket but at least one of us had our head screwed on right that morning.
The pics were all taken by my partner. If there are so many now, I cannot imagine how many there will be when the pathways are completed.
After everything, I did manage to dig 10m but without my drinks it was very hard going. Of course the weeds I have to remove on the way does not help.
It was a rather rewarding day, as we even got some pruning done.
Had to go to PMBurg today so arrived in Underberg at around 5o clock. Had a lot of bricks to plant and this is all I had a chance to do. I planted as many as I could before getting on the road again and then on the way back completed planting the rest.
I did take my camera but found the batteries to be flat. At least I remembered the basket so had liquid refreshment. If I had taken the fork I even would have had energy enough to do some digging. The weather was nice and warm and I even worked up a little sweat when offloading the bricks.
Took Suzi for a drive today because I needed to get ahead with the digging and also wanted to start with the "grass" experiment I am working on here (in a smaller way). IE, planting seed under shade cloth as well as under hessian and shade cloth. It took 2 weeks to germinate here so it is worth experimenting in Underberg. I just hope there is some moisture. There was a snow prediction but at this time there has been none. However the weather is looking ominous. If the plan works it will really be a huge help in the future.
I also took as many bricks as I could to plant, which I offloaded first, to warm up. It was much colder today than yesterday and ended up lovely working weather.
Firstly I planted, watered and covered the grass experiments.
Asking for good germination |
Watering before covering |
Pegging the shade cloth |
Planting hessian experiment |
Laying hessian |
Watering hessian |
Lab protector |
Sutherlandia droplets | All above pics courtesy of Frances. |
Secondly I got to digging and dug 15m. I have finished the path I was working on and have now turned around to go back again on the last path for this quadrant.
Thirdly I planted the bricks I had brought and by then it was time to get on the road again.
A stitched photo showing what a difference the bricks are making. The new dig is in the foreground. |
The energy levels were high today and I felt rather good, having remembered the basket this time.
A nice, productive day.
Getting There |
Had a PMBurg trip today so arrived at Underberg at around 4am. (I had woken up earlier than usual,10 o clock) thinking it was later, but decided to go back to bed until an "appropriate" time.
It was not too cold and it seems as if there are a lot of orbs. I am not too sure tho because I think there was a very light ground mist and they are hard to differentiate in photos.
Orbs or Mist |
I had quite a few bricks to offload which always warms me up. I also needed to water the grass seed so had brought extra water for that purpose.
Forging ahead |
After off loading I decided to water the grass while I had time so really saturated the areas. The hessian looks promising because it still seemed damp underneath. The other experiment was very dry and do not hold out too much hope for that one.
I then watered and whilst waiting for the water to penetrate the soil went and started "planting" the bricks. I was not able to complete the areas I had intended, so there is a little work left for next time.
Another Angle |
I did not think it was cold but imagine my surprise when I went to finish off watering only to find that the water in the nozzles of the cans had frozen and nothing would pass through. I decided to leave them where they were until returning, and carried on "planting."
After completing my business in PMB I returned and watered again. I left the grass nice and wet. Within a week or two we should be able to see some germination.
Pecan |
Serious Pruning. The biggest Almond. |
Rather pleased at how the bricking is coming. I just wish the digging was completed.
Another trip to PMBurg and as is my norm, got to Underberg bright and early. At first I wished I had not because it was rather chilly and at one time I even thought about sitting in the truck to warm up. However I had bricks to off load which helped my body but even though I had gloves/mittens on my hands did suffer a little.
I hung in and it eventually warmed up enough that my hands did not trouble me too much. I could not water the grass because the water in the containers had frozen so I had to wait and do that on my return.
I did get a chance to "plant" the bricks I had taken as well as those from last time which I never had a chance to.
I even had time to dig 2m before having to leave.
On returning I watered the grass and had some rather good news. Even though the grass under the shade cloth was not germinating (too dry) the grass under the hessian was starting to germinate. This I am very happy with and gives me the incentive to carry on with that idea. So Friday will be a trip in Suzi to carry on with that.
I saturated everything in the hope that the dry area will still produce a little life. I think I might try hessian there as well.
I also had a chance to dig another 7m which means 9m for the day. Only 7m to go and that quadrant is completed. I have it pegged and what a pleasure to have the two pathways join up exactly. Nice to know that at least the tape measure works fine.
All in all quite pleased at what I achieved this day.
PS Plenty of orbs again but the same as last time.
Took "Suzi" and my partner for a drive to Underberg this morning because I wanted to finish the quadrant, check on the germinating grass and plant some more.
Wonderful Friends on Full Moon |
We did manage to do all of the above and as you can see from the photos, the Orbs are becoming even more wonderful. I am really surprised at their size this morning and on a full moon.
We only arrived at just after 5am because not going to PMBurg we do not have to get up so early. It was nice this morning. A little frost but no "suffering" like Tuesday.
I finished off the quadrant quickly YAAAY, just over 1and a 1/2 to go. I also dug 8m on the next path so that is 12m for the day.
Germination under hessian |
Growing through hessian |
We also had a chance to get a better idea as to the germination of the grass and it was promising enough that we planted as much more as we could. There was a shortage of shade cloth but I can always get more.
All in all a rather productive day (morning actually...)
Another trip, another early morning, another 5am arrival at the "Lab."
The weather this morning was lovely. Not too much frost and just cool enough that the hands did not want to commit suicide.
Firstly there had been snow around and on the trip to Underberg, from Swartberg to Kingscote, the snow was piled high on the sides of the road. You could see that it had had to be cleared with a grader or something. We had snow last week and this area often is closed when it snows because it can be very dangerous. (it actually snowed exactly a week ago yesterday and stopped me going to PMBurg on that day).
I expected it to be as white in Underberg as it was on the road but below Kingscote you could see that it had not snowed nearly as much. On arrival in Underberg and getting to the plot, it was almost dry. However when I got into digging, the soil was moist further down so they had had some moisture.
I had some bricks as well as water to offload so got this chore done. I then watered the grass and planted as many bricks as I could before getting on the road again. The good news is that the grass which started germinating under hessian last week is now starting to lift the hessian off the ground. This means I can use it again. Maybe next week I will remove it, leave the shade cloth, and plant another piece. The hessian I had not covered with shade cloth had been blown to one side and the soil was very dry. The other areas with shade cloth and hessian were lovely and damp so I am quite sure of germination in those areas as well.
I planted what was left of the bricks on my return. Also pegged all the loose pegs and dug 5m. I actually had a second wind and could have dug more but ran out of time. The digging in the new area for the most part is much easier.
Another rather productive day.
No photos because things have not changed too much, other than the digging.
I took my "Family" to Underberg today for the specific purpose to get ahead with the digging of the pathways.
We arrived at around 5o clock and I got into it straight away. It was lovely working weather.
I worked until the sun was up and then took a break because I had reached as far as was pegged. I then decided to have a look at the grass and to see how it was doing. In about a week I will remove the hessian and just leave the shade cloth (over the first area).
Grassing |
Still Germinating |
Dug a Storm Today |
Cancerbush and Orbs in the Mist |
Another angle |
The other good news is that it is germinating in the first area I planted last year which is very sparse. So, that is another possible solution. My trusty Photographist (and Peggist) took photos of our progress. I did not need to water too much because I had watered heavily on Tuesday and most areas were still nice and damp.
I planted a little piece and went digging again.
The area I am now digging is a lot easier than the last area and today I broke all of my previous digging records. I managed 30m today, completed the row I was working on as well as the next. There is about 5m left to do of this quadrant and then it is time to get into the last one. (where I still have to finish off levelling the "hump."
The Dig so far this Winter |
I am very pleased that I decided to go today because it has really helped catch up the digging. I need a couple more days like today to really get ahead and will be MOST HAPPY to finish the digging in the time I allotted.
Maritzburg trip, warm today, arrived at Underberg early after a rather "misty" trip.
The first thing I did was start digging. Easy like Saturday so it went quite quickly. I then had a break and watered the grass which is germinating rather well now. I think it is warm enough to help with germination in a bigger way. The only places where the grass is not growing through the hessian are those I planted last and have not germinated to that point.
Working on the last Quadrant |
Nice to see the Stumps gone and Levelling almost completed. |
I then started levelling where the rubbish and tree stumps were and this is where I am rather pleased. The big stump and the little stumps are now out of the way and there is not too much levelling to do for the pathways which are running through that area.
I had dug as far as the pegs had gone, completed the quadrant (YAAAY) and pegged the rest before getting on the road again.
On the road I had a little altercation with a cow who decided to walk in front of the truck in the mist. Fortunately no harm was done to either of us. I was not travelling too fast but was skidding when I "tapped" her on the backside. Luckily the road was quiet and there was nobody behind me.
On returning I completed the continuing row of the next quadrant and started pegging the new row. There is not too much left to do now so hopefully I am on track with the digging again.
A very rewarding day with another 23m dug.
Decided to go to Underberg on my own today. I was off and my partner was working so I decided to make the most of the time. I really want to get the pathways completed.
There is other work to do now as well. I need to start transferring Strawberries to their new area, need to flatten the hump as much as possible for the pathways, move shade cloth and hessian from germinated areas and start planting in fresh areas. Also to experiment with "instant lawn."
Starting fresh areas |
Instant lawn experiment |
All of this I succeeded in doing and dug 20m. Not as easy as it was last time but we are still ahead, or at least, on target.
I noticed that the Almond and Pecan trees are sending out fresh growth now. Seems as if the tree I "hacked" is coming back better than the others. Lets see whether there is any fruit on the trees this season.
Now the pathways have reached the hump where the compost heap was |
I arrived at around 5 and left at 10.30, running out of steam eventually. It became rather warm.
"Im digging in the rain"
"Digging in the rain"
La Deeda
Sung to "Singing in the Rain...........................LOUDLY.
Well, had a trip, arrived at the plot at the usual time but this time the weather was wettish although not raining hard. Just light enough to make working a pleasure.
Before getting on the road to PMBurg again I off loaded the bricks and water etc, planted the "instant lawn" I had taken, lifted shade cloth to check out the planted pathways, removed hessian where possible and watered what was necessary. AAAAND finished digging the next path. Now we are really getting a move on. The digging was rather easy though and I felt as if I was cruising.
Dug 19m today.
The bricks I put to one side because they are not needed until I have levelled the new pathways.
On returning I almost completed pegging the last path. would have but ran out of pegs. This is when I got wet enough that on my return home the first thing I did was have a hot soak. Still, I did manage to do that and also dug two holes in preparation for planting more apple trees. Not easy work.
Everything seems to be growing well. Wish I had taken the camera but it was raining too hard to really get nice pics.
Was back on the road again by 1.30 and drove slowly home because of the rain.
It is with great pleasure that I announce, THE DIGGING IS FINISHED.
It was another trip to PMBurg today and I was on the road by 3am. Nice and early. I just HAD to complete the digging.
I should now sing again.
I am digging in the storm
Proof of Rain. About 10mm I think. |
Yes a lovely storm followed me all the way from home and it started raining while I was off loading the truck. Today I did not take any bricks but did have quite a lot of "instant lawn" I am experimenting with. I pretended it was not raining and just carried on. The people in the area must think I am nuts. That might be, however I did FINISH THE DIGGING. I knew it was raining because whenever I lifted my head water ran into my eyes. I was actually soaked to the skin in the end but it was not cold so I did not feel it. I only dried properly on my return when it was nice and warm. The rain had stopped just before I got on the road again to Maritzburg.
I had finished the digging before leaving for Maritzburg (it was very easy) and also had a chance to remove hessian and shade cloth and planted some fresh areas. I had dug 15 m to finish off AAAND all pathways line up.
Almond growing nicely |
Cancerbush full of seed pods |
Only one thing dampened my excitement at completing digging and that is all my water bottles had been "removed." I have my suspects but no proof. Teach me for being so trusting. They can be replaced but I rely heavily on the water. Not so much today tho...............
I also planted a climbing rose and must do some cuttings to "seal" off areas that are vulnerable. They will make an excellent barrier when growing nicely along the fence.
All the fruit trees are in blossom or coming into blossom. Except the apples and nuts which flower later. Little Oakie has also produced its first leaf of the new season.
On my return I got even more done.
I firstly finished placing the bricks I could not do last week.
Dug a hole for an apple as well as one for an apricot.
Did a lot of hoeing around grapes and fruit trees where weeds were encroaching.
And to the Left |
Then to the right with instant lawn in the foreground |
It was 3 o clock when I looked at the watch, which caught me by surprise. I did not realise it was that late.
Still, a "Lucky 13" day for me. 13 is one of my lucky numbers though so I almost expected things to go well.
Now it is time to level pathways, place more bricks, do weeding, plant more fruit trees, veggies and grapes and experiment with more grass planting.
I noticed one quite amazing thing while digging the holes for apple and apricot and that is that every second fruit tree lines up with the pole in front of it in a straight line with the centre of the labyrinth. I do find this quite amazing because I did not prepare it that way. Another sign...................
Now that the digging is completed I can mess the drawing up a bit and explain some other bits we have done.
The black dots around the edges are poles where I will be putting supports for the grapes. There is a grape plant in between each pole.
2 m behind them are the fruit trees. One for each pole and one in between each pole. So far there are, Peaches, Apples, Plums, Apricots and a Lemon tree planted. Not all completed but hopefully this season. I still have some work to do at the bottom of the lab where I had to move soil, with poles and grapes as well as fruit trees (Apricots) to plant. (there are already 3 Almonds and 2 pecan nut trees growing in the top plot.)
From now on the diagram will not change. I would love to have all the pathways defined by the bricks so this is something to do during the season. Then I want to walk it to see how long the walk will be.
Something I rather like is that you cannot see too much of the Lab from anywhere other than from above. I would like to see what it looks like from a higher level. All faults will be seen then.
Another trip and after a rather misty and slow trip arrived in Underberg at around 4am.
First thing to plant the "instant lawn" in containers.
Then to water the grass seed I planted last week. Nice to see that they were not totally dry so that was quite quickly done.
Then to transplant a Rose and split up a Catnip for suckers. Also split and planted Comfrey between two Apple Trees and planted an old Oreganum plant. The Mint around the Lemon tree is really growing well.
Then before getting on the road again had a chance to transplant a couple of Strawberries.
On returning I finished the water so I could take home empty containers. I was not risking leaving them there again.
I also planted some bricks after levelling some areas of pathway around the Strawberries.
Lastly I did quite a bit more hoeing / weeding. The little hand hoe I have adapted is a real pleasure to work with.
Suffered from a little Low BP but that is because it was so hot and I had forgotten my liquids at home. I usually drink about 2 litres of liquid on the way home when it is hot like this.
I have also now locked the gate between the house next door and my plot but left a letter explaining as to why.
I think that because I have now completed digging the pathways it is time for another blog.
This one will carry on from where this one has left off with the new challenges that we now face.
The new one is:
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